Has the board conducted a formal, written self-assessment of its performance within the past three years? about GuideStar Pro. Its wonderfully historical, the acoustics are amazing, and the architecture is beautiful. Cart ID: Not Assigned, Copyright 2022 | EIN 13-4148824 | Bridge ID 3108588923. It was just such a wonderful building.. An Active-Duty USMC Tank Platoon Commander, Pilot and Jet Navigation Instructor, including a combat tour of duty in Vietnam in support of USMC, US Army, Australian and South Vietnamese allies, he then entered Law School. We leverage finance and accountability data from it to form Encompass ratings. But the longterm challenge is to continue attracting new visitors, attracting younger visitors, attracting a wide range of visitors from all over the country and the world. The Gettysburg Foundation and the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association (GBPA) have provided donations to match federal funds to preserve monuments at Gettysburg National Military Park. At the core of Mr. Santos philosophy, he believes in providing unsurpassed customer service, continuous mentoring of his staff and pursuing efficiency in operations. 2023 Gettysburg College. IN ADDITION, PROGRAM EXPENSES ALSO INC (More)EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY EDUCATION CENTER, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF LEADERS LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS, AND OTHER EDUCATION AND INTERPRETIVE PROGRAMS. In May 2021, Wayne Motts was named president and chief executive officer of the Gettysburg Foundation, an organization founded in 1989 to help preserve Gettysburg National Military Park. It is not handicap accessible in the basement, [it lacks] air conditioning, andit has not even been updated to really reflect the religious demographics of the community here, said Bright. (Don't see an email in your inbox? Gettysburg Foundation President and CEO Matthew C. Moen, Ph.D., is stepping down from his position effective July 31, 2020. With his background in physical resource management, Larry helps connect todays leadership issues with challenges Gettysburg leaders faced in the timely planning, coordinating and deploying of soldiers and resources during the battle. In the Footsteps of Leaders Faculty & Staff | Gettysburg Foundation Its not owned by the federal government. Based on the limitations of the Chapel as an interfaith space, there have been calls to update Christ Chapel to make it more inclusive. Part of him will always remain.. Through his experience in preparing individuals for coalition operations, Paul provides insights to corporate leaders on the Gettysburg lessons of teamwork, decisions and strategies. Click here to search for this organization's Forms 990 on the IRS website (if any are available). Paul Semanek has been the site coordinator for the historic George Spangler Farm & Field Hospital for the past six years. Rating histories are available for a growing number of rated organizations. Your donation attempt encountered a problem. Gettysburg Foundation has earned a 100% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. in Biology from the University of Akron and an M.Ed. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This fund helps at-risk patients with food, transportation, transitional housing, and life-saving medications. Sign in. How does this organization measure their results? Click on the link in that email She served as Visiting Professor of History at the United States Military Academy in West Point, and has twice been named the General Harold K. Johnson Visiting Professor of History at the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pa. James (Jim) Santos has more than 40 years of experience in property management. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. Licensed Battlefield GuideTherese Orr has worked at Gettysburg National Military Parksince September 2016. ter at Gettysburg National Military Parkis maintained, owned, and operated by the Gettysburg Foundation. Prior to entering the real estate business, Paul was a sworn uniform member of the New York State Police for 23 years and retired as Director of Public Information. United States, 2022Gettysburg Foundation. He held a Top-Secret Clearance earning several decorations and the rank of Colonel. Inspired by the post-battle healing and gradual conciliation that occurred in Gettysburg, along with Lincolns famous Gettysburg Address, Moen addressed audiences at more than 35 colleges and universities, service clubs and historical societies. For questions about our grantmaking or nonprofit Giving Spree participation: She specialized in employer-sponsored employee benefit plans and executive compensation for a broad range of companies, from Fortune 100, to mid-size companies, to start ups. I was executive director for the Adams County Historical Society, which is here in Gettysburg. Thats a really important way that people can get involved and get materials about what were doing with the park. They dont know who I am, and they say they cant wait to get back. Total Revenue and Expenses - Data Available, Salary of Key Persons - No Data Available, IRS Published Data (Business Master File) - Data Available, Data Sources (IRS Forms 990) - Data Available. The pandemic shut us down almost nine weeks ago, Moen said. The Gettysburg Foundation Board of Directors was notified of his decision late last week. Try a low commitment monthly plan today. The Gettysburg Foundation (https://www.gettysburgfoundation.org/about-us) is the 501(c)(3) non-profit philanthropic, educational organization that operates in partnership with the National Park Service (https://www.nps.gov/gett/learn) to preserve Gettysburg National Military Park and the Eisenhower National Historic Site, and to educate the public about their significance. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. ALERT:The Taneytown Road Entrance to the Museum & Visitor Center is currentlyclosed for rehabilitation.
tours-events/children-of-gettysburg- He is also a veteran of the war in Iraq. GuideStar partnered on this section with CHANGE Philanthropy and Equity in the Center. He co-authored Gettysburgs Peach Orchardwith James A. Hessler (2019). Without preservation, the story will be lost and the lessons soon forgotten.Acquisition Vital land parcels, buildings, and artifacts must be acquired. WM: My predecessor, David Malgee, who was a member of the board of directors and was the Gettysburg Foundations interim president until I got here in May, just did a wonderful job navigating our organization through some very difficult times. Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. Therese enjoys researching and providing specialty tours for visitors to the battlefield and is especiallyinterested inguiding descendants of Civil War soldiers. He also served as a strategist and senior speechwriter in the Chairman's Action Group on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Senior Leadership and staff have the required knowledge and expertise to accomplish the goals established by the Board. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. Motts received his Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Military History from The Ohio State University and holds a Master of Arts in American History from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. We have to think about what stories we can tell. Your email address will not be published. Its a big honor. We are pleased to introduce you to our team of leaders. This ratio is an indicator of an organizations solvency and/or long-term sustainability. Gettysburg Foundation continues to work in partnership with the National Park Service to implement the strategic plan. Organizations are scored based on their Total Revenue Amount: Charity Navigator looks for the existence of a conflict of interest policy on the Form 990 as an accountability and transparency measure. The Board of Directors of theGettysburg Foundationhas appointed Wayne E. Motts as the Foundations new president to lead the operations of the national preservation and education organization. CWT: What do you see as your biggest challenges? The Gettysburg Foundation owns and operates the LEED Gold-certified Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center in partnership with Gettysburg National Military Park and. Together with the National Park Service, the Foundation seeks to preserve and protect the resources associated with the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg and share its important story of conflict, courage and remembrance. The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick. (More)GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK INTERPRETIVE AND OFFICE FACILITIES INCLUDE ALL EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH PROVIDING FACILITIES FOR THE INTERPRETATION, STORAGE, RESEARCH AND OFFICE SPACE FOR THE GNMP. Val has a B.S. It has been so satisfying assembling an excellent management team, working with a distinguished group of Americans serving on the Foundation Board of Directors, meeting some of the thousands of donors and Friends of Gettysburg, and learning more about the Civil War battle, Eisenhower National Historic Site and the National Park Service mission.. He holds a Masters Degree in History from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He divides his professional time, between Gettysburg and his other conflict-resolution passion with an active docket of national and international aviation, commercial, construction, energy, securities, and securities employment arbitration cases. The project will improve the cultural and natural landscape of 18-acres of Culp's Hill where key battle action occurred on July 2-3, 1863. Gettysburg Foundation cannot currently be evaluated by our Leadership & Adaptability methodology because we have not received data from the charity regarding its leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes.Note: The absence of a score does not indicate a positive or negative assessment, it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated the organization. The Gettysburg Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic, educational organization operating in partnership with the National Park Service to preserve Gettysburg National Military Park and the. He also volunteered for the Foundation for three years. Revisit Gettysburg for an opportunity to reflect and gain inspiration from the battle, from the soldiers, from the civilians and from the history. Through its education and leadership programs, the Foundation preserves the story of the Battle of Gettysburg and the timeless meaning of individual sacrifice and teamwork first taught here in 1863. Despite this, the school receives no funding from the United Lutheran Seminary or the ELCA as a whole. It began as a separate organization that then merged with the Gettysburg Foundation. Customer Service oriented workplace with friendly staff. He is now a professor at the United States Army War College. Give the page a little longer to finish The Gettysburg Walking Club will meet and park in the Gettysburg National Cemetery parking. Due to its particular history, Gettysburg had a more conservative, Christian educational experience, but the campus and educational culture have shifted beyond that. Use the tool below to select different beacons to see how the weighting shifts when only one, two, or three beacons are earned. Gettysburg Foundation is part of the Flowers, Gifts & Specialty Stores industry, and located in Pennsylvania, United States. On day two, they opened up a discussion . Learn more. Beyond these issues, some depictions on the stained glass contain messages that are no longer consistent with the ELCA, who assisted in the designing and building of the chapel. Detour information is available for entering the complex at the Baltimore Pike Entrance. This article originally appeared on pages 4 to 5 of the February 2023 edition of The Gettysburgians magazine. Reviews from Gettysburg Foundation employees about Gettysburg Foundation culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Please continue, 1195 Baltimore Pike
The Foundation focuses its work primarily on the battle of Gettysburg and its context in the American Civil War, as well as President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. General Counsel and Director, Washington Office, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Washington, D.C. Jeffrey C. Oak '81 (2013), Vice Chair: President, AnchorPoint GRC Advisory LLC: New York, New York: Lori Kono Clapp '73 (2013), Vice Chair . Explore the challenges and timeless lessons learned through our storied past on the Gettysburg battlefield. The United Lutheran Seminary is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), one of the largest Lutheran denominations in the United States. However, the present-day Gettysburg College does not seem nearly as connected to its Lutheran origins. He has also accrued construction management and commercial landscape knowledge from regional positions held with organizations in the property management field. Support the Gettysburg Foundation's mission of preservation and education through your gifts and your Friends of Gettysburg membership. RSL is a great space, but for a Shabbat service or a Passover Seder, it simply doesnt cut it. You would be able to look around our school and tell thats not necessarily what we do anymore, but we still value religion and spirituality as a matter of community and culture, which is why our center [the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life] still exists. WM: I have a long personal list. bruce@adamscountycf.org, Ralph M. Serpe I work very closely with Steve Sims, the superintendent of Gettysburg National Military Park. Dave served as a captain (staff officer) in an infantry unit. All rights reserved. Bright said, [The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life does] everything we can to make this an interfaith space, but there are some limitations.. CWT: Have you had any big surprises so far? Ashley Bievenour Ive got big shoes to fill all the way around. For questions about accounting and finances: Visit Children of Gettysburg 1863on select holidays throughout February and March for special programming and activities. ALERT:The Taneytown Road Entrance to the Museum & Visitor Center is currentlyclosed for rehabilitation. #HistoryMuseum #Preservation #Education. . ALERT: Little Round Top is now closed to all visitation for rehabilitation. He has more than 45 years of experience in politics, government affairs, public policyand business operations including work with BP America, Associated Petroleum Industries of PA, and the Harrisburg law firm of McNees Wallace & Nurick. Learn more in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section. I am honored to be named the next president of the Gettysburg Foundation, said Motts. Were going to bring that back in July 2022. Previously, attending chapel as an entire student body was mandatory, and there was a specific track that students could take if they wanted to attend the United Lutheran Seminary upon graduating. These are some of the best scholars in the world related to the Civil War. Plan your visit, purchase tickets and get information on free events for a memorableand historicGettysburg visit. Another issue involves the mural behind the altar space within the sanctuary, now covered by a curtain. Howard Burrell has served as a Facilitator with the Gettysburg Foundations leadership program, In the Footsteps of Leaders,for several years. Once grant funding is awarded, College Grants staff assist project leaders to manage financial and other reporting requirements. Start free trial. He has utilized that experience for leadership programming at Gettysburg since he became a Licensed Battlefield Guide in 2014. Gene is a graduate of St. Josephs University in Philadelphia and received a Certificate in Leadership Development as a participant in the 2017 National Security Seminar at the U.S. Army War College. An outstanding event marked by very knowledgeable professionals who were both very kind and excellent communicators. Charity Navigator looks to confirm on the Form 990 that the organization has this process in place as an accountability and transparency measure. He hasparticipatedin two productions for The History Channel as well as appearing on C-Span3'sAmerican Artifactsand numerous appearances on the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN). Does the board conduct a formal orientation for new board members and require all board members to sign a written agreement regarding their roles, responsibilities, and expectations? Gettysburg College 300 North . He is a historian for Emerging Revolutionary War and has been a Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide since 2018. It used to be the case that every student would [be required to] take classes in Bible and Theology [to graduate]; that doesnt happen anymore, Bright explained. Reimagine Gettysburg as a blend of a massive battle, a place of solemn remembranceand an emblem of democracy. An Honors Graduate of Villanova University and the University of Georgia School of Law, he co-authored a Note on the legal issues involved in the recognition by the United Sates of the Peoples Republic of China. Its OK to add serial commas.) The mural was concealed with a curtain in 1954, the year after its unveiling, and it has not been displayed since then. One of the things Im really excited about is, prior to COVID, we had a series of presentations by authors called Sacred Trust and we have not been able to have that for quite a number of years. Leadership programs, educational programs help others understand the lessons learned from the Gettysburg battle, the Gettysburg address and Dwight Eisenhower. Gettysburg Foundation has provided more than $140 million to Gettysburg National Military Park and the Eisenhower National Historic Site, Malgee said. Get to know General, 34thPresident of the United States and Gettysburg resident, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Spring, summer and fallhours beginMarch 1, 2023, at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center. This policy establishes guidelines for the handling, backing up, archiving and destruction of documents. The Gettysburg Foundation Board of Directors was notified of his decision late last week. (BMF affiliation code: 3). Bright described the connection as mostly symbolic now; theres no financial connection between us and the Lutheran Church anymoreBeing hired here was a very serious diversion and break with the Lutheran ChurchEvery chaplain that served here before me was an ordained Lutheran preacherThe school made a very serious decision in terms of its religious life to move in a different direction away from a Lutheran-[informed]approach to ministry.. His strengths include financial analysis, communication, personnel management, contract negotiations, project management, mechanical systems, internal auditing and problem-solving. by Community Contributors, Gettysburg Connection May 18, 2020, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. Location. Retired Marine Corps Colonel Rob Abbott is a LicensedBattlefield Guide specializing in battlefield studies and leadership. Additionally, Bright explained how the schools religious history and current religious and spiritual culture fit into Gettysburgs goal of providing a consequential education. The Foundation has a robust preservation and education mission that includes land and artifact preservation, educational events and programs. In some ways, its a beautiful space. The Giving Basket is having some issues. with his wife and young son. The mural depicts Jesus, who is presented as white, leading a white, male Gettysburg College student to his graduation ceremony. So Why Couldnt Union Troops Let Their Guard Down. People can look at the website [https://www.gettysburgfoundation.org/george-spangler-farm] to learn about it. (e.g. Her many publications includeA Field Guide to Gettysburg: Experiencing the Battlefield through its History, Places, and People(with Tom Vossler);Picketts Charge in History and Memory;andSoldiers and Scholars: The U.S. Army and the Uses of Military History. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. CWT: Do you have a wish list for future programming? Brianlives outside Frederick, Md. Faculty and staff who are interested in exploring external grant funding can complete this interest form as a first step: External Funding Interest/Intent to Apply Form. You tell stories. He is the expert on Dwight D. Eisenhowers first assignment at Camp Colt, Gettysburg during World War I. Email us or call us at
Plan your visit, purchase tickets and get information on free events for a memorableand historicGettysburg visit. Funds are available to patients who meet specific financial aid guidelines. . The Christian overhang of this worship space has created many barriers for those practicing non-Lutheran, particularly non-Christian, religious traditions with its distinctly Lutheran stained glass and altar space. The Fight at Cedar Creek Was Over. He is an accomplished author, publishing books and articles about the Civil War including,Trust in God and Fear Nothing: General Lewis A. ArmisteadandPicketts Charge at Gettysburg: A Guide to the Most Famous Attack in American History, which he co-authored. Learn More NEW Temporary Exhibit in the Gettysburg Museum of the American Civil War at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center, A Rough Coarse Life: The World of the Civil War Soldier. The login page will open in a new tab. Ive been excited all my life about these things. He holds a BA in History from the University of Florida. Col. Douglas G. "Doug" Douds, USMC (ret), is a graduate of Wake Forest University with degrees in history and political science and a master's degree from the United States Army War College in strategic studies. These guidelines foster good record keeping procedures that promote data integrity. His professional leadership experience prior to joining the Gettysburg Foundation spanned several industries, including transportation and food production. The historic George Spangler Farm & Field Hospital, Directions on your mobile device:
It is fascinating to understand why people are coming here., Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Early in his career, he spent several years as an Adjunct Professor of History at Fordham University, where he holds an MA in History. The dedication of Christ Chapel on the Gettysburg College campus occurred on Oct. 17, 1953, when the college was still deeply attached to its Lutheran history and culture.
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